Start Today! Don’t Put It Off Another Day!

I know we’re only halfway through the month, so it’s not time for my end-of-the-month update on my New Year’s resolution for 2024. But on Friday, I hit a big milestone, and I wanted to share with you and also encourage you.

As of Friday, I’ve officially lost 20 pounds since January 1st! And you know what? It wasn’t even that hard! I could kick myself for not doing this years ago, but I think that when it comes to doing hard things that seem overwhelming, we have to be in the right mindset, and we have to find that determination within ourselves. And until January 1st of this year, I just simply didn’t have that determination.

Yes, I wanted to lose weight and get healthy (after totally losing control in 2020), but I wanted cake and cookies more. I wanted the temporary satisfaction of dessert whenever I wanted it more than I wanted to be healthy.

I don’t know why the scales tipped at the end of last year, but I’m so glad they did! Because now, a very short 2.5 months later (which have flown by), I’m down 20 pounds. And while I fought for every single one of those pounds, the journey actually seems pretty easy in hindsight.

So here’s a look at where I started, and where I am today. I’m not quite ready to do those full-body before-and-now pictures (but I will eventually), so for now, I’ll just show these face pics.

Here’s me back on December 17, 2023, 15 days before I started my “no sugar for a year” resolution…

You can see that I tried the trick where I hold the phone up high so that it’s looking down on me to minimize the double chin, but there was no height at which I could hold the phone to get rid of the double chin completely. 😀

Here I am on January 7, 2024. I was on day 7 of my no-sugar year.

This picture was taken January 28, 2024. This was my 28th day of no sugar, and I was starting to see some changes in my face.

And here’s a picture I took yesterday, March 17, 2024, which was day 77 of my no-sugar year.

So here’s a before and now. These pictures were taken three months apart.

There has been a whole lot more to this journey than simply cutting out sugar. I’ll share more on my update post at the end of this month. (I have so much more to share wih you!) But I’ve fought hard for every single one of those 20 pounds that I’ve lost since January 1st. I haven’t used any magical pills or shots. I’ve just put in the hard work. It has been all diet and exercise, and trying to get more (and better quality) sleep.

I’ve only begun this journey. If I can maintain this rate (which is questionable, but I’m going to try!!), I will reach my goal by the end of this year. And just like the first 2.5 months have flown by, I know I’ll get to the end of this year, look back, and think, “Where did the time go?” So while it’s hard work in real time, I know that this year is going to fly by, and I don’t have a single day to waste. The fun thing is that with each passing day, and the more progress I see, the more determination I feel to push towards that goal.

The first part really is the hardest. That first step seems impossible. But that first step leads to the second, and the third, and before you know it, you’re seeing some real progress and feeling incredibly motivated!

So don’t put it off! Whatever it is that you’ve been wanting to do for years now — losing weight, getting your health back, starting that business, writing that book, taking up that new hobby, learning a new skill — start today! Just imagine where you could be in 2.5 months! Heck, imagine where you could be at the end of the year!

Y’all, I could kick myself for losing control in 2020 and having to start over again. But I could kick myself harder for not starting in 2021. Why did it take me until 2024 to start again?! I can’t answer that, and unfortunately, I can’t go back in time and change things. But I’m so incredibly glad that I made that decision on January 1, 2024, to start. These 2.5 months have flown by, and I love the progress I’m seeing. I know that these next 9.5 months will also fly by, and I can’t wait to see where my newfound determination will take me by then!

P.S. I did get work done on the studio cabinets this weekend, but I don’t really have anything exciting to share yet. The priming and caulking process is slow, but barring any unforeseen circumstances, I’m pretty sure I can get them painted in the next couple of days!



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  1. Congratulations to you! And you are so right, whatever we want to do, we must begin today. Because, as we all know tomorrow never arrives.

  2. Bravo!! Can I just say …. YOU LOOK AMAZING!! As in healthy, glowing, happy, motivated and a lady on fire!! Thank you for sharing!

  3. You look fabulous and happier! And with no sugar I’m sure your skin is softer too! Congratulations and I hope you celebrate your accomplishment! 💕

  4. Great work thanks for the update! Also I enjoyed the peek at a few of your necklaces which also look wonderful.

  5. Kristi,
    That lost 20 pounds looks good on you. I can see the difference in your face, and you’re looking marvelous. Your determination during the past 2 1/2 months has remained solid.
    Here’s to your end of the year goal. (imagine a victory emoji here) I know you are going to get there.

  6. Please tell us more about your diet. What you are eating, what you make sure to do everyday, etc. you are inspiring me and so many others. Thanks for the motivation! You’re doing AMAZING!!!

  7. The game changer for me was to realize health is not a “once and done”…it’s a life style. There is never an endpoint. So, if I slip on diet, exercise, sleep, etc., I just adjust and move forward. So much different from when I’d work to “lose xx pounds and then I wouldn’t be deprived anymore,” etc.

    So happy you found what is working for you. I know from other posts that the sugar cravings are gone for you and that you are feeling stronger up on that scaffold. That’s wonderful!

  8. Good for you, girl! I can definitely see the weightloss in your face. At 2 lbs a week, I think your goal is realistic and you can do it. Don’t beat yourself up about not doing it last year or the year before. It’s all about being in the right mindset and trying to cope with the stressors in our lives. We all support you!

  9. Not to take away from your accomplishment, which is significant, but you actually look very pretty in all of the photos.

    1. You know, I can see the skin looking great, and the thinned down face, but I thought the same thing…Kristi IS a beautiful girl, and a dynamo as well. It is a privilege and a pleasure to follow her and learn from her. I also took note of the necklaces! 😍

  10. Go Kristi Go!!! That journey always starts with that single step, now you are on a roll.
    Cheers to your success!!!

  11. 2020 was a really hard year in more ways than weight gain for me. I too gained weight and now need to deal with it. I have lost since my thyroid surgery but not until I gained weight after the surgery, compounding what I need to lose.
    High five to you for losing weight! It’s such an accomplishment, even though it may not be easy. Let’s keep going!!😁

  12. I can feel your happiness ! You look great and your skin is amazing too. Keep up the new lifestyle, you deserve the feel as great as you are looking.

  13. Good job, Kristi! You look great! I need to get back on the bandwagon. I’m currently heading in the wrong direction. I look forward to hearing what it is that you’re doing to lose so much weight so fast. ❤️

  14. Congratulations! Well done! I began a health journey….June 1, 2023. As of last week…I’ve lost 42+ pounds! Still have an additional 20 I’m working on. Keep up the good work!

  15. Wow Kristi you can really see the results on your face. You look amazing!
    Huge congratulations! 👏👏

  16. I am DYING to lose 20# by June for my HS reunion!!! But also for my health which at 72 is a constant struggle. I was always successful on WW but there aren’t meetings near me anymore and this is my third failed round with them online. I cut out after dinner sweets for 6 weeks when you first wrote about your journey in January but here we are again…
    Please tell me/us what a typical day is for you food and exercise wise. What makes this even harder is my Fella, at 73, eats like a high schooler…after dinner he will snack on popsicles, cookies, cake, ice cream and still weighs 168. So unfair!!! I have a wicked sweet tooth and I can’t seem to conquer it. Help!!!

  17. Congratulations to you!!! What an accomplishment!! I am such a believer in “no sugar”. I stopped eating chocolate over 30 years ago. In 2018, I stopped eating sugar products, pies, cakes, cookies and donuts, any pastries. What I found was how easy it was to stop those items. It’s all about the brain listening to what you are saying. Stopping in 2018 was such a non-event, I can’t describe. I’ve lost weight much more slowly than you, another 10 pounds in the last year, but I am so much healthier. I use organic products and especially monk fruit sweetener instead any sugar. I use honey from a bee keeper here in Colorado and that satisfies me. Just remember that your brain is listening and giving positive reinforcements to it are key. Again, good for you!!!

  18. Congrats Kristi! I am working to get my mindset in the right place to start and appreciate your encouragement!

  19. Good for you, girl! I think you look fantastic, on top of being a real-life Wonder Woman. Love the necklaces, too.

  20. Congratulations Kristi! What a visible difference. I just have no idea how to go about cutting out sugar. Every morning when I sprinkle sugar on my cereal I wonder how I could do it.

  21. I can’t wait to hear how you did this. I’m excited to hear the details. What about carbs? Do you still eat bread and pasta? How about the natural sugars in fruits?